U.S.- ENTRE RÍOS (ARGENTINA) May 7th -8th, 2019
“Discover the Untapped Business Opportunities in Entre Ríos”
From May 7th – 8th, 2019, a select group of American companies are invited to join the first United States Department of Commerce Certified Trade Mission to Entre Ríos, one of the 23 provinces in the Republic of Argentina. This trade mission will be led by Advanced Leadership Foundation, organized in partnership with the regional government of Entre Ríos and with the participation of the U.S. Commercial Service in Argentina.
Why Join the Entre Ríos Trade Mission?
Argentina is the gateway to 43 million consumers, the third largest economy in Latin America and a worldclass labor force known for its technical skills, creativity and versatility. Entre Ríos is providing generous incentives for economic and business investments from U.S. companies looking to expand abroad.
Entre Ríos offers business and investment opportunities in key sectors, including: agriculture and agroindustries (citrus, blueberry, poultry, dairy and forestry), tourism, metal manufacturing and renewable energy.
Doing Business in Entre Ríos:
A highly qualified work force, stable political environment as well as favorable tax incentives are transforming Entre Ríos into one of the most vibrant economic hubs in Argentina. The province has increased its international exports exponentially over the past decade, as well as the foreign direct investment in the region. Thanks to new policies between the U.S. and Argentina, there are many opportunities for American companies to expand their business, establish local partnerships and export their goods and services.
Exclusive Benefits for Participants:
Through our generous sponsors, our trade mission is carefully tailored to provide American companies with:
- Sector-specific market analysis and comprehensive Q&A guides on "Doing Business in Entre Ríos".
- Customized business matchmaking services with local leads (vendors, distributors, investors and/or partners).
- Presentations on Argentinian funding opportunities for economic and business development.
- High-level relationship building opportunities with local partners, public officials and decision makers.
- The ideal environment to build key relationships, promoting bilateral joint ventures and agreements.
Industry-Specific Opportunities:
Favorable timing for the citrus industry: A decline in fresh citrus production in the U.S. due to weather-related impacts has negatively affected supply, and as a result, pricing of these goods. With a citrus deal being currently negotiated between the U.S. and Argentina, the timing is opportune for U.S. companies to take advantage of this market, filling the demand and benefiting American consumers, while simultaneously prospering economically, as well.
Agriculture and agroindustry: The strong agriculture and agroindustry of Entre Ríos provide the perfect opportunity for American companies to modernize the province’s infrastructure in this sector, both by selling state-of-the-art machinery used in the U.S., as well as providing much desired consulting services.
The future of renewable energies: Argentina has the potential of producing electricity through renewable sources such as hydro, wind and soy beans. The country has passed legislation in support of renewable energies, (law n° 27.191), which requires that 20% of energy be sourced from renewable resources by 2025, meaning a 10 GW increase in renewable energy generation. The country’s biomass potential is mainly located in the north-east and its Mesopotamian regions including Entre Rios
Argentina’s “Blueberry Region”: Entre Ríos has one of the largest concentrations of blueberry plantations in Argentina, with an area of approximately 962 hectares. This crop was first planted in Entre Ríos in 2005, positioning it as Argentina’s number one export province from 2012 – 2013.
Metal manufacturing with global standards: The metal-mechanic sector is a rapidly growing industry, participating in international trade operations with a 10% share of total national production. Among its main activities are the manufacturing of window and door frames, furniture, metal structures, shipyards, automobile parts, gas cylinders, oil industry equipment, water heaters, refrigeration equipment and other items.
Tourism hot-spot: Tourism in the province has experienced consistent growth in recent years, making it one of the top chosen destinations in Argentina, receiving an average of 7% of the Argentina’s domestic tourism market.
How to get to Entre Ríos?
The Trade Mission will begin in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. Major airlines provide direct or connecting flights to Buenos Aires from key cities in the U.S. (Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Miami, New York, etc.) including: Aerolineas Argentinas, Air Canada, American Airlines, COPA, Delta, LATAM and United Airlines.
Once participants arrive, Advanced Leadership will take care of all travel arrangements to ensure they have a relaxed transport to Entre Ríos. Paraná, the capital of Entre Ríos, is roughly 250 miles from Buenos Aires, and can be comfortably accessed by plane or car.
What is included?
Confirmed participants will be responsible for their roundtrip airfare to and from Buenos Aires International Airport (EZE). While in country, ALF will take care of all travel arrangements between Buenos Aires and Paraná, Entre Ríos. Furthermore, the Foundation will cover participants’ lodging, meals, briefing seminars, market feasibility studies and customized business matchmaking services as part of the Entre Ríos Trade Mission. Should participants wish to stay several days in Buenos Aires before and/or after the trade mission, the Foundation will secure special hotel pricing for participants. About our team:
The Advanced Leadership Foundation leads U.S. Certified Trade Missions with local partners worldwide. In collaboration with local governments, we identify companies with complimentary objectives, curate business relationships and create the ideal trade environment to foster new business opportunities between companies. For more information please visit www.aleadership.org
• Spain - Caitlin Nelligan: cnelligan@aleadership.org
• Argentina – Gustavo González: gonzalez@aleadership.org
• United States - Octavio Hinojosa Mier: ohinojosa@aleadership.org
Preliminary Trade Mission Schedule
Monday, May 6th, 2019
1:00 – 7:00pm Arrival to Paraná, Entre Ríos, optional city tour
7:30 – 9:00 pm Welcome Reception
Tuesday, May 7th, 2019
8:00 – 9:00 am Breakfast, business introductions & networking
9:30 – 11:00am Informational sessions with the heads of professional and industry associations in Salta
11:30 – 1:00 pm Briefing seminars and market feasibility studies
1:00 – 2:30 pm Official opening luncheon and remarks by Jorge Brown (Vice-president, Advanced Leadership Foundation)
3:00 – 7:00 pm One-on-One match-making meetings
8:30 pm Gala dinner
Wednesday, May 8th, 2019
1:00 – 7:00 pm Follow-up, match-making meetings and local visits
7:30 – 9:00 pm Closing Remarks by Gustavo González